Part 24: Update XXII - Light-hearted promise
Update XXII - Light-hearted promise
Music: None

The worst part about being young is having old people lecture you! Who needs to hear lectures about motives or being prepared? The only person who gets to decide about having a motive is you. Maybe you have a noble cause and maybe you don't. Actually, it is more freeing to have none at all!

Although Caster may not like it, I think it's a good idea to have goals and be prepared. To crush another person's motive, dreams and life is what it means to take part in this war. To kill those who don't want to be killed.

Hey, Master, you listened to what that old guy had to say. I have no idea what he was saying. Did you learn anything?
Caster always gets... weird whenever we start thinking about how we killed a man.

Did I learn anything from my fight with Dan?
I don't know.
Each one gives the same result.

You and I think alike, Master. We won't have any trouble with the next battle at this rate!

The next battle... Right, there's a third round, and then a fourth, and so on. I'm still kind of lost. But if that's the path before me, then I owe it to the lives lost so far to keep fighting. Right or wrong, that's one way to think about things.
Music: School III
The rest of Robin's Info Matrix has filled out.
Faceless King posted:
A king without form who, according to Celtic tradition, appears in the May Day festival that follows the Festival of Beltane. He is also seen as a personification of nature who used copious amounts of green and brown in his clothing in order to completely blend in with his surroundings.
Subversion (A) posted:
This skill allows one to seriously reduce their enemy's might before facing them in battle. It is an ability used by those who've mastered the art of setting traps. Upon achieving an A rank in this skill, one can disable almost 60% of their enemy's forces before they get the chance to advance. However, the higher the ranking of this skill, the lower one's reputation as a hero becomes.
Robin Hood posted:
Just one of the many young men to take up the title, this particular incarnation was a virtual outcast, living on the fringes of the village located near the spot where his parents had died. Almost against his will, he was caught up in a battle to repel and attack by a nearby lord's army and successful led those who fought by his side to victory. As he never identified himself during the course of the fight, he was referred to as the mythical "Green Man" by the villagers he had helped save.
The only child of a wandering Druid, he was orphaned at a very young age when both of his parents died suddenly. As the son of a Druid, he instinctively knew how to survive in the forest and was able to comnunicate with the spirits known as fairies. It was this ability that made him an outcast in his village, as the villagers were suspicious of his powers and accused him of being possessed. Although the villagers held no love for him, nor he for them, he felt obligated to help them in any way he could.
With his successes against the tyranny of the local lords to spur him on and the hopes and wishes of the villagers pinned to his deeds, he took up the bow and mantle and became the latest incarnation of Robin Hood. And like those who came before him, he dressed in clothes of Lincoln green, armed himself with a bow of yew, and surrendered his identity and true self for the good of others.
However, no good deed goes unpunished, and the villagers quickly turned on him in hopes of channeling the anger of the local nobility away from themselves and on to this mysterious rogue who rampaged through the forest, claiming that they had no knowledge of who he was nor did they ever claim to be thankful for his help in preserving the village. Even though the people he vowed to help turned on him, he continued to protect and assist them from the shadows. With every poisoning, every ambush, his reputation as a coward and criminal grew, despite his honorable intentions.
After two years of almost constant fighting, he was eventually betrayed and assassinated by one of the local lords whose ire he had raised. It was this young man, who fought so that others could lead the quiet life he dreamed of, that joined the ranks of Heroic Spirits found worthy to fight in the Holy Grail Wars.
Music: None
You may have noticed that the timer hasn't reset to 6 days yet.
Occasionally, we'll have a small interlude between weeks. Week 3 will officially begin after we find a cutscene trigger and the interlude ends.
Ah fuck, Kuzuki is at it again.
Music: Breach
We got hit so hard we ended up all the way back in the tutorial zone!

Where am I...? Instead of colliding with a wall, I suddenly find myself in unfamiliar surroundings. My head's spinning trying to keep up, but it seems like I was somehow teleported
elsewhere. Wait, I'm getting deja vu. This is the Coliseum that was used twice The details are different, but the framework is the same. If this really is the Coliseum, there must be an enemy nearby. My thoughts freeze and my breath hitches when I realize this.
Someone else is here.

When I look around, I see a sinister man with piercing eyes who's wearing clothing that looks aflame. I go numb with fear. He intends to kill me, that much is unmistakable.

He's like
Death personified. I've only heard of
Assassins, but I have no doubt he is one. If I take my eyes off him for one second, I'm a goner-!

I've grown tired of strangling cormorants. For once, I wanted to feel what I was doing...
Caster with the save!

What a shame, we've run out of time. The system's limits saved your life.
Of course Kuzuki was the one to pull an Assassin.

Without a sound, the
black-clad teacher appears just a few meters in front of me. Sinister eyes from under a mop of black hair direct a piercing gaze my way.

Either way, you managed to survive the Demon's Fist.

The man's aura changes. It sharpens, honing into a point as if it were a wicked blade. One directed straight at me.

It's ideal to dispatch you here.

He's looking at my neck. A bead of sweat drips off my chin. He takes a step toward me
Music: Stops

The girl in red clothes appeared out of a classroom where none should have been.
Rin with the save!
Music: Duel of Fate

My reputation precedes me. I see the intelligence network of the
Harway Foundation has been busy. Although I'm pretty hard to miss. You tell me, Julius Berkisk Harway. Since you're from the foundation's counter-terrorism unit.
And we finally have his actual name!

Kuzuki answers to the name of
Julius and smiles thinly.

How absurd. They've got nothing to do with this. In fact, why haven't you killed them yet?

I'll be laughing when you end up stabbed in the back,

A cruel smile plays over his lips as he continues walking toward the end of the hallway. He sends a cold glance my way.

...I shall remember this.

His predatory pupils still trained on me, the man disappears into the wall as if melting away.

With an unscrupulous enemy like that, I better be on my guard at all times in the school.

The girl starts talking to herself after the man has faded away. Then she turns toward me. She has a cold look in her eyes... not all that different from the look in that
Julius' eyes.

You're my enemy, too. It's not like I care if you died now. ...I'm impressed you made it past the second round. I didn't think you had it in you. I mean, you've kind of had a rough time of it. That's why I
Rin will be Rin, no matter what timeline she's in.

Be careful not to lose the life that just got saved for you in the third round!
Music: None
And a second voiced speech in the same update!
Music: School IV
Sound: Phone ringing
Time to go meet our next opponent.
Music: Duel of Fate
Oh no.

My next opponent is dramatically younger than the one before. She can't be more than ten years old.
Not really, actually. Newshound was the one to talk to you during the prelims. Hakuno has had all of one day to say hi to you, and that was easily missable.

Alice thinks you and I can be friends, lady. Finally Alice will have a friend of her own.

That's why when you left, lady, I was so sad and lonely.
This is going to be one of those weeks, isn't it?

But you are my next playmate, so I guess I'll have to play with you.

She's like a doll only seen in a dream. I don't feel threatened like I did with Dan Blackmore.

Don't let her looks fool you. She's already killed two Masters so DO NOT let your guard down.

That's right. Only the strong survive here. It's possible that she's much stronger than Dan was. But the question remains: Can I fight without holding back? My opponents up until now had an aura of power. It was easy to see them as worthy foes. ...But things are different now. Can I do to this little girl what I did to the others? I know that if I don't, I'm as good as dead, but still...
Music: School IV
Sound: Phone ringing

Regardless of who my opponent is, time in the SE.RA.PH passes at the same measured pace for all. The message I received informs me I'll be erased if I fail to find my Triggers and gather info on my foe. I shake off the effects of the girl's stare on my state of mind and try to focus on gathering information. I should talk to a few people first, but those acquaintances I've made are probably of dubious reliability.
Alice's Matrix page has opened up, and I can already tell that this will be a confusing one to fill out.

I think I'm better prepared for the possibility that we might get paired now.
The other girl is gone...

Your attacks will be meaningless if your enemy sees them coming. I realized this during the second round.

A pity, that. The fact that this one hot guy I had my eye on got eliminated so quickly makes me a sad vixen.

And the less said about those who are still around, the better. As the old saying goes, "Ill weeds grow apace."

Well, no matter whom they may be, they're no match for us! There is no way that we can possibly lose to Masters and Servants whose relationships aren't based on love! Master, I will protect you with my awesome powers of heroine-ism! Bet on it!

I might have to re-categorize you.

I guess I'll have to consider you a serious threat now.

I've seen that girl in the frills trouncing about since prelims. It's hard to believe she's a Master. On top of everything else, turns out she's shy. She ran away when I tried to talk to her.
The serious guy is gone...

Sorry I haven't introduced myself. I'm Arina Savoy, the manager NPC of the Arena. But do not become complacent, lest you be denied glory when next you fight.

It's the third round already, so you should already be aware that information is key to winning. I mean, sure, you can muscle your way to victory, but why risk it? Our lives depend on these fights, so don't you think we should all adopt the surefire approach?

May the Holy Grail continue to illuminate your path. Oh, my name is Sharon Tips... And I'd like to strangle whoever gave me that oh-so-clever name.

Don't let up now. The next fight has already begun. You should head to the
Arena immediately.

The stars must be whispering their blessings to you.
A cutscene starts when we go talk to Rin.

Lucky or not, you've managed to keep winning. I guess I'll have to start taking you seriously.

...Even after that backhanded compliment, Rin continues talking, albeit in a much friendlier tone. I'm not sure if it's because she finally sees me as a worthy adversary, but she seems...nice. It's like her thought patterns are infinitely different from normal girls.

Is that little girl your next opponent? You keep getting the problematic Masters, don't you?
It's not like I got a choice.

Yeah, but having Matou, Blackmore, and now this Alice creature all in a row...? Honestly, your luck well and
Better her than you.

Why do people dislike me so...? Well, were we to face each other it'd be an easy victory for me.

If the time ever comes where we have to fight, don't expect me to hold back.

As this is the third round, I hope you've learned by now not to judge your enemy by their appearance.

I don't plan on letting my guard down now. Both Dan and Shinji were far more capable than me. And now my current opponent. I didn't need Rin to tell me how difficult this fight will be. When the time comes, will I be able to kill this little girl?
Music: Duel of Fate
We get a quick scene on 1F.

The little girl in front of me is supposed to be my enemy, but her innocent smile holds no malice. Though I can't shake the feeling that her naivete is a ruse, I find myself lowering my defenses.
I flat out can't refuse Alice.
There's no way this can backfire.
Sure, why not?

She is me, and I am her! We are ourselves! Let's start now! Tag, you're it! Alice will be waiting for you in the Arena. Hurry up and come get me!

I said I'd play with her, so I should probably go to the Arena and chase her down.

It seems like Caster really wants to play. If we can learn more about Alice, I'll play along, too. Whatever the case, we should go chase down Alice.
Music: School IV
Yes ma'am.

Very good. I will now brief you on your upcoming mission. I have received word that a student has smuggled an illicit
magazine onto school grounds. Your responsibility is to track down this miscreant and take possession of said magazine. This mission will be valid for
three days. On the fourth day, I expect a full report. Dismissed!
Said miscreant is just outside.

Well, I'll do it, but only under one condition. My Servant wants a
large cauldron. Bring me one and I guess I'll part with my beloved comic book.
In an absolutely phenominal move, this sidequest isn't just a simple fetch quest, it's a chain of deals that's also a fetch quest!
You got three guesses where this cauldron is, and the first two don't count.

I was hoping to challenge him with my archery someday.

It might only be sentimentality on my part, but by doing so it'll allow me to keep moving forward.

The third round awaits, as do the Masters strong enough to survive the preceding round. Be sure to buy everything you'll think you'll need for the trials coming in the week ahead.

Well, the thing is... Humans get hungry just know...being. That dull ache of hunger in your belly lets you know you're alive! That's why I let gluttony be my guide. Because that's what it means to be human.
The new item for this week is the Ether Fragment. 1500 is a bit steep, but it heals for 500 HP a pop.
On the Mystic Code side of things, the Silver Earrings finally give us a worthwhile buff skill. The Old Rusty Sword trades the Magic buff for a Strength buff.
While the Mermaid Robe has the next tier of heal.
I buy the Sword for now.

It's obvious that only the strongest
Masters have made it this far... Which makes you reasonably strong...I guess?

It's not like I wanted to, you know? It was either him or me, and I didn't want to die. So, who's the next to die? I can kill anyone now...
Let's... uh... go play with Alice. Get our minds off things.
Next time: Tag, hidden paths, and new friends.